I'm at my friendly neighborhood Honest-1 Auto Care shop this afternoon, watching two young guys that I wouldn't want dating my daughter, if I had a daughter, spend my money on rebuilding the brakes on my truck. I thought I was just going to have calipers installed over the new rotors and pads I installed myself some months back but no such luck.
The caliper faults let the pad get cocked and that wrecked the rotor, so everything has to be replaced. The good news is that the Auozone just two doors down is where I bought the previous parts and they have agreed to warrantee out the rotors and the pads. That is going to save me a large chunk of my lunch money that I'm spending just for the repairs.
None of this is rocket science and I could do it all myself, except that, a) Noah has the good impact gun up in Logan hoping to use it for employment purposes, and, b) my torn rotator cuff really doesn't relish huffing heavy wheel & tire assemblies and heavy brake pieces either.
So, I'm paying. Boy am I paying today...
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